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Downlaod Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 with crack (Freeware)


Dengan menggunakan Kaspersky Internet Security 8.0 surfing internet anda akan merasa lebih selamat dan tidak merasa takut akan virus-virus atau spyware dan adware.. berikut keterangan mengenai KIS 8.0

Product Highlights

* Integrated protection from all Internet threats
* Integrated antivirus protection: 1) Hourly automated database updates, 2) Preliminary behavior analysis, 3) On-going behavior analysis. New!
* Real-time scanning for email, Internet traffic and files
* Personal firewall with an IDS / IPS system. Improved!
* Protection from leaks of confidential data. New!
* Parental Control. New!
* Protection from spam and phishing
* Automatic database updates

Additional Features

* Protection from viruses, Trojans and worms
* Protection from spyware and adware
* Protection from all types of keyloggers. Improved!
* Detection of all types of rootkits. Improved!
* Protection from viruses when using ICQ and other IM clients
* Rollback of malicious changes on your PC
* Self-defense of the antivirus program from being disabled or stopped
* Tools for creating a Rescue Disk
* Free technical support

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Iklan Khidmat Masyarakat

Download PERCUMA E-Kamus

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera. Anda pernah dengar e-kamus? E-kamus ialah software kamus yang tercanggih yang dilengkapi dengan 18 kamus dan disertakan sebutan dalam English UK. Mudah bukan? Hanya "double click" atau "mouse move", makna perkataan anda terjawab. Boleh digunakan untuk kesemua software berasakan text seperti Microsoft Office (Word,excel dll) , PDF Reader, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer dan macam-macam lagi. Anda mahu mencubanya? Dapatkan secara PERCUMA SEKARANG!

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